Trainer Info
Hi there! I'm Abel and I'm a Pokemon Trainer and Professor!
I've been training Pokemon since around 2001. My sisters played with their Pokemon since I was in diapers and I knew Pikachu before I knew my letters.My first critter of my very own was a Bulbasaur- left over after my older sisters grabbed their Charmander and Squirtle. He grew up to be a fat and happy venusaur and I loved him more than anything. While my first brushes with Pokemon was in Kanto, Johto will always be my home! I've traveled around that region more times than I have fingers to count on :)
Now that I'm grown up, I don't find myself battling as much. I could never keep up with my friends in school when it came to strategizing anyway haha! These days, pokemon are my companions. My main fella is my Archen- he's much better at dozing perched on my desk lamp then he could ever be at battling. That suites us both perfectly :) Archen and my husband's Gengar get into more than enough trouble without adding higher levels into the equation!
This is my first website! I've been wanting to put one together for a while and had the idea for this archive after having a LOT of difficulty finding info about these books online. Let's Find Pokemon! Has a very special place in my heart. It was the first Pokemon thing I got to buy after my mom banned me from Pokemon for a year in 2nd Grade (She found out that I had been stashing my homework under my bed instead of doing it HAHA). That year- I wasn't allowed to play, watch, read, or even talk about Pokemon. She even coordinated with my Dad (they were long divorced at this point) to make sure he enforced those rules too!
She thought I'd grow out of my "Poke-fever" eventually- but nearly 20 years later and my interest is still burning strong!
(Moral of this story is to do your homework! Though a secondary moral is that you should always save up your quarters so you can buy Pokemon books from the Scholastic Bookfair to tide you over hehe)
I hope you enjoy this site! I'm currently brainstorming ways that people who read this can contact me with questions, suggestions, and corrections- so check in soon:)
-Professor Abel, admin of "Let's Find Pokemon! FOUND"
Site Info
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Site created on January 19th, 2024!
Reached 1,000 views on January 22nd, 2024!
Reached 10,000 views on February 20th, 2024!
(Happy 1 month to my little site :D)
Reached 100,000 views on January 5th, 2025!
(Happy 1 year anniversary to the site!!)
Site sources!
Thank you so much to for their Layout Builder and their Webmaster Guide without which I never would have had the tools to start this website and neocities hobby! You Rock, sadgrl!!
Thank you to Totally Free Cursors for this wicked magnifying glass cursor- I Love It!!
Thank you to Jeti for the use of their fonts! I'm currently using Pear Soda for the header text and Pixolde for body text! They are so awesome!!
I wouldnt have been able to have such a detailed catolog of the Japanese-exclusive "Find Pokemon!" books without them!!
Check out their work on their site and on the pages below!
Find Pokemon!Diamond and Pearl (JP) (2008)
Find Pokemon! Platinum (JP) (2010)
Find Pokemon! Best Wishes (JP) (2013)